Thursday, March 12, 2009

Working the last two weeks

Since my last posting, I worked on music, biology, geography, history and we had some meetings to write down a timeschedule for the third mobility in may. This time we will have to have time to work on the report. But there are quite nice ideas from us, what can be done together. As I sent two big letters to each: England and Finnland, I will not post more than nescessary from the working papers. Unfortunately it is not so easy to post videos from my work in music.
But I am busy trying to convince my computer to do what I need to do for posting results. The singing went well and so there will be results.
All people travelling to germany should answer the questions:
Where do you fly to? How many people will come? Do you want to stay at the same hotel, I recommend the oste hotel in Bremervörde. As I have 4 hours music teaching tomorrow, I will try to post the results then. Good night. Jürgen

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